Building Resilience for Individuals through Trauma Education
Welcome to a new and exciting curriculum based program designed to support adults who have experienced significant adversity in recognizing and strengthening their personal resilience.
What is BRITE?
BRITE is an empowering and highly strength-based educational treatment program designed to build personal resilience by providing adults with information about:
The impact of very stressful life events on a person’s overall emotional and physical wellbeing.
How to use that information to make informed decisions and make progress towards personally meaningful goals?
Practical strategies to enhance personal resilience that emphasizes practical steps to effectively cope with and self-manage the impact of past stressful events as well as being better prepared to meet current and future challenges.
The BRITE workbook is a resource that belongs to the participating clients and includes 24 topic areas that address important aspects of resilience. Based on the needs of clients and the realities of the organization, providers may choose to offer the entire program or select a subset of lessons. Although BRITE was designed to be offered in a group modality, organizations may also introduce aspects of the BRITE program in individual sessions as well.